eilume Website
My new personal website for all the stuff I've been up to since 2022 and onwards. It was specifically designed to make documenting what I work on easier, and whilst I think I've largely achieved that, I'm sadly yet to take full advantage of it, but I am making efforts to change this now.
It's statically generated, so no server-side rendering is required, and it has a focus on minimizing bandwidth usage via the use of newer image/video encoding/compression formats such as avif and webm (AV1 will be used once Safari/WebKit supports it) and reducing javascript bloat by using as few frameworks as possible. There are still many improvements to be made, specifically with code bundling in combination with tree-shaking and reducing which fonts I use (I self host all dependencies since most CDNs are additional data points for analytics/advertisers, which I do not wish to support).
Source Code: eilume/personal-website
Technical Sheet
Tools that I used whilst working on this project:
- IDE:
- Program Toolsets:
- 11ty - Static site generator
- TailwindCSS - CSS framework
- Vite - Front-end tooling (only used for building distributable)
- JavaScript Libraries:
- Embla Carousel - Carousels
- barba.js - Page transitions
- Anime.js - Animations/tweens