
Originally intended to be a simple "survivors"-like clone to learn Godot 4, I restarted development for this project in June 2023 and have been working on it since. With many changes to the original vision, this is more of a unique twin-stick 2D rogue-lite inspired by various other titles. I'm treating this as a commercial project to learn as much as I can about different aspects of game development to a more professional level of quality, than typical personal projects would require. There has been significant work put into optimizing for high entity counts, by utilizing Godot's GDExtension, allowing for custom C++ code to be used in the game's runtime. I've written the enemy, projectile, pickup and stat system (+ some UI) in C++ via an ECS (flecs) as they were otherwise unattainable at the counts I wanted with the performance that GDScript offered. For more info & insight, check out my devlog here!

Gameplay Screenshots + Video

Gameplay demo playing through a first stage in a run attempt with an overpowered developer weapon (oops). Colors are more dull in the video compared to the screenshots below (need to figure out optimal YouTube video formats)


Some rad player-induced carnage on the enemy swarm as they dodge-and-weave around close enemies

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The inventory/inspect menu that allows you to view your current loadout, stats and upgrades

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A freeze frame of the player taking damage from some melee and ranged enemy attacks, showing the subtle glitch effect applied to the peripheral areas of the screen

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Player selecting an upgrade after having leveled up from an XP hack, which grants XP at the cost of accelerating the security level, which makes enemies stronger

Technical Sheet

Tools that I used whilst working on this project: